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Labcorp Oklahoma, Inc.
Test Directory


Neuromyelitis Optica/AQP4-IgG CSF Reflex to Titer

Order Name CSF NMO IgG
Test Number: 3488474
Revision Date 04/23/2024
Obsolete Reason
This test has been Discontinued at the performing lab.
Replacment test as Miscellaneous as follows:

Anti-Aquaporin 4 (AQP4) LCA:505758  

Specimen: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Volume: 2mL; Minimum Volume 1mL (Note: This volume does not allow for repeat testing.)
Container: CSF sterile tube
Collection: Collect CSF in a sterile tube.
Storage Instructions: Room temperature
Stability Requirements: Room temperature 7 days, Refrigerated 7 Days, Frozen 7 Days (Freeze/thaw cycles Stable x3)